All posts by Mommy

The Inch

We’re back!  Actually we didn’t really leave town but we had a great vacation and boy do we have some great stories to share.

First off–the race is definitely on.  Tessa is army-crawling along at a rapid pace.  And even though the girls are genetically identical Nora has a totally different mode of transportation.  We call it “the inch”.  She’s really getting good at it.

It begins much like the “plank” position in Pilates.


Then she pulls up her knees so she’s on all fours.


Then she pushes off with her knees on to her belly (oof!)


And volia!  She’s reached her destination.


We call her “inchy” for short.  It’s cute.

Bows Glorious Bows!

The Easter pictures are in!  We had a terrific Easter celebration!  We hung out with our friends at church and were able to see ALL our grandparents!


For awhile we donned our head bows, but they were too tempting to grab (plus Tessa got a headache–just kidding).  Check out the BOOTIES!


We had a test drive of the bows before gearing up.


We got to hang out with Aunt Gana, too!  So fun.


Hope everyone had a terrific weekend!

*Refresh* *Refresh* *Refresh*

I know you are all waiting at your computer screens clicking *refresh* *refresh* *refresh* in eager anticipation of the Easter portraits.  I am sorry to disappoint.  We are having technical difficulties and so said pictures have not yet been loaded.

However, I will leave you with this little gem:


Does anyone feel a breeze in here?  Who put this diaper on this baby?  You are just asking for an explosion.

We try never to disappoint…

A stellar prize to whomever can guess the baby in this picture (photographer guessing excluded!).

We’ll Wear Our Easter Bonnets, With All the Frills Upon It…

Ok, so this is just a picture of Daddy giving Nora the “bunny ears” and Nora protesting by trying to eat Daddy’s hand…


We have a few million things going on after our long (but fun) Easter weekend including: a gut remodel of our main hall bathroom while Barbara tries to care for the kids at home, two cavity fillings today (me, not the girls, although they have enough teeth to buck a horse—I don’t know what that means), a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Herring, meetings, meetings and more meetings, real estate closings, closings and more closings, preparation for a “pseudo-vacation” next week, not to mention laundry, grocery shopping, car-washing, potato-peeling, car-racing…where was I going with this?

Oh, Easter pictures forthcoming.  Thank you for your patience…

Our New Favorite Game

Now that the carpet race is on, Nora and Tessa have a new favorite pasttime called: “How hard can I pull on Frankie before he’s had enough.”

All things considering (which is a lot in Frankie’s case), Frankie has adjusted fairly well to the newest members of the Herring “pack”.  Frankie has always been a pretty mellow dog and so he mostly just wants to be around all of us.  Until now, the girls had very little interest in Frankie—occasionally watching him mosey across the room or out in the backyard.  But now that the crawl is ON the girls like to, um, gently pet Frankie.

Hello, Nora.  Playing on the floor?

Yes, mommy–I’m just hanging out.


What’s this?  Frankie?  My, he is close.  Close enough to…




Frankie took off behind the couch.  (No photo captured of the grand escape as the camera was thrown to the floor to prevent further bloodshed and/or a snack of doggy quaff.)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Happy Easter!

We’ll see you on the flip side.



The motivation was there…


…the ol’ stand-by “the reach” had failed her…


…she complained, she grouched…


…desperation set in…


…and then Nora dug her heals in…


…and pushed off!  Nora crawls!!!!


Congratulations, baby Nora.  We knew you had it in you.

In other news…mom and dad are freaked!  TWO CRAWLING BABIES!!!

Playtime at the Playplace

A lot of people ask me if the girls recognize each other and play together. Do they ever.  Well, I suppose you could call it “playing”.  It’s more like this…

Hello, Nora and Tessa.  How’s it going?  Looks like you two are playing together.


Yes, mom.  We each have a toy to chew on.  It’s great fun.  We love toys.


Hey!  Tessa thinks that the toy Nora is holding looks like more fun than this green bowl.  Could I play with that toy?


Lemme see that toy.  That is not a question.  It’s a statement.


If I could just get a hold of that toy.  It would be mine.


I’m getting close…


Foiled again!


Now, I am going to make my opinion on this matter known to all.  See the expression on my face?  Nooooot happppppyyyyy….


Forget about the toys, says Nora.  How about I play with your face!?!?!


Getting closer…


What’s going to happen next???


Was that a flash?  Oh, hello mother.  We forgot you were there.


The toy is mine.  Sorry baby Tessa.  Better luck next time.


So, that’s playtime/grabfest on Walmer Street.  Just wait until you see the battle that goes on in the stroller…


It’s official.  It may be a belly-draggin’, deep gruntin’, pseudo-rollin’, army crawl—but it is definitely a Point-A-to-Point-B mode of transportation.

Congratulations, Tess.  We are baby-proofing this weekend.


In other news…





…with a little help from Aunt Gana.

Weathering the Weather

I love spring.  Fall is my favorite season but I do love the spring.  The glorious feel of warm air on your bear skin after so many months of layers and layers of clothing is unbeatable.

For what seemed like months and months we’ve been bundling up with big sweaters, thick socks, hats, hoods and gloves.  You’d think we lived in the arctic tundra instead of just Kansas City…


Hello?  Are these kids about to go walk (crawl–ok wiggle, really) on the moon???

Finally, spring is upon us.–the buds are budding, the leaves are sprouting, the daffodils are popping and we’ve busted out the summer gear.  It’s time for sunglasses and sandals, bonnets and beachgear.


Summer fun–bring it on!